Our Mission
Simhona is a sustainable menstrual product company. Our goal is to create innovative products to make the reusable menstrual product world a little easier to navigate. We are starting with period underwear, but would like to take on both more products, and also educational initiatives in the future.
We are also committed to doing our part to help give back to the community - which is currently manifesting in the form of product donations, and an online educational database which is currently in the works.
Whatever we do though, we will stay authentic, and continue to put problem-solving and customer feedback first - thoroughly researching all issues before trying to solve them.

Our Story
Hi! I'm Uma, and I'm the founder of Simhona.
I first got interested in menstruation and its effects on society in college. I had just started using reusable products, and I’ll never forget the excitement I felt the first time I truly had a sustainable period. I wanted everyone to feel that way.
Reusable products are still very niche, mainly due to issues around convenience and accessibility.
It’s not like people love using disposables, they just haven’t found a reusable menstrual product that works for them. So that’s what I’m trying to do: design reusable menstrual products that are easier to use, and alleviate the existing fears people have around them.
While it’s been a long hard road to get here, in many ways this is just the beginning. There will of course be additional feedback to make Simhona better, and it will be a journey. But hopefully it will be a journey that we can all embark on together.